New Registration

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If you are the legal owner of the entity, click 'Continue' below to register and create your tax payer account.
If you are an Authorized Agent who acts on behalf of one or more tax payers, click 'Continue' below to create an agent account.
Password must contain at least 8 characters and include 1 number and 1 symbol (!@#$%^&*)
By clicking "Continue" I agree to the Barbados Revenue Authority's Terms of Use, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. You will also be sent a verification code to your email for confirmation.

Confirmation Code

Please enter the 5-digit code sent to your email/mobile below. This code will expire in .


Your registration has been successful and your profile has been activated, you can now proceed to the Log In page to access your account.

Be sure to check your junk mail folder and add '' to your safe senders list as we may need to contact you from time to time about your account.

Go to your Account